Geekbench AI 1.3
Geekbench 6.4
Geekbench AI 1.2
Geekbench AI 1.1
Geekbench AI 1.0
Geekbench 6.3
Geekbench ML 0.6
Geekbench 6.2
Geekbench 6.1
Geekbench 6
Geekbench 5.5
Geekbench ML 0.5
Geekbench 5.4
Geekbench 5.3
Geekbench 5.2
Geekbench 5.1.1
Geekbench 5.1
Geekbench 5.0.4
Geekbench 5.0.3
Geekbench 5.0.2
Geekbench 5.0.1
Geekbench 5
Geekbench 4.4.2
Geekbench 4.4.1
Geekbench 4.4.0
Geekbench 4.3.4
iMac Performance (March 2019)
Geekbench 4.3.3
Geekbench 4.3.2
Geekbench 4.3.1
Geekbench 4.3
Huawei Benchmark Boost
MacBook Pro (Mid 2018) Throttling
MacBook Pro Performance (July 2018)
Geekbench 4.2.3
Geekbench 4.2.2
iPhone Performance and Battery Age
Geekbench 4.2
Geekbench 4.1.3
Geekbench 4.1.2
Geekbench 4.1.1
iMac (27-inch) Benchmarks (June 2017)
Geekbench 4.1.0
Geekbench 4.0.4
Geekbench 3.4.2
Geekbench 4.0.3
Geekbench 4.0.2
Geekbench 4.0.1
Geekbench 4
Geekbench 3.4.1
Geekbench 2.4.4
Geekbench 3.4
MacBook Air, Pro Benchmarks (March 2015)
Swift Performance in Xcode 6.3 Beta
Geekbench 3.3
Swift, C++ Performance
Retina iMac 64-bit Performance
Estimating Mac mini Performance
Geekbench 3.2.2
Geekbench 3.2
MacBook Pro Performance (July 2014)
iMac Performance (June 2014)
MacBook Air Performance (May 2014)
Combatting Benchmark Boosting
Geekbench 3.1.5
Geekbench 3.1.4
Developing a Cross-Platform Benchmark
Geekbench 3.1.3
iPad mini Benchmarks
Estimating Mac Pro Performance
iPad Air Benchmarks
Retina MacBook Pro Benchmarks
Geekbench 3.1.2
Geekbench 3.1.1
Geekbench 3.1.0
Geekbench 3.0.2
Geekbench 3.0.1
Geekbench 3
Thoughts on the new Mac Pro Benchmarks
MacBook Air Benchmarks (June 2013)
Samsung Galaxy S 4 Octa Benchmarks
Samsung Galaxy S 4 Benchmarks
Android Benchmark Chart Update
Retina MacBook Pro Benchmarks
Geekbench 2 for BlackBerry
Mac Benchmarks (December 2012)
iMac (27-inch Late 2012) Benchmarks
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2012) Benchmarks
Geekbench 2.4.0
iPad mini Benchmarks
Early iPad (4th generation) Benchmarks
13-inch Retina MacBook Pro Benchmarks
Apple A6
Geekbench 2.3.4
13-inch MacBook Pro Benchmarks
Geekbench 2.3.3
MacBook Air, Pro Benchmarks
Geekbench 2.3.2
Ivy Bridge, Sandy Bridge Benchmarks
Android, iOS Benchmark Charts
Geekbench Standalone Mode
Ivy Bridge Macs
Geekbench 2.3.1
Geekbench 2.3.0
Geekbench 2.2.7
Geekbench 2.2.6
Geekbench 2 for Android
Geekbench 2.2.3
iPhone 4S Benchmarks
Geekbench 2.2
July Mac Benchmarks
Benchmark Updates
iMac Benchmarks (Early 2011)
Geekbench 2.1.13
MacBook Pro Benchmarks (Early 2011)
Geekbench 2.1.12
Geekbench 2.1.11 for iOS
Geekbench 2 on the Mac App Store
Geekbench 2.1.11
Geekbench 2.1.10
Geekbench 2.1.9
MacBook Air Benchmarks (Late 2010)
Geekbench 2.1.8
Geekbench 2.1.7
Geekbench 2.1.9 for iPhone
Geekbench 2 for iPhone and iPod Touch
Geekbench 2.1.6
MacBook Pro Benchmarks (April 2010)
Geekbench 2.1.5
Mac Benchmark Update (March 2010)
Browser Redesign
Mac Benchmarks (Late 2009)
Snow Leopard Performance
Geekbench 2.1.4
Geekbench 2.1.3
MacBook Pro Benchmarks (June 2009)
Mac Pro Benchmarks (Early 2009)
iMac and Mac mini Benchmarks (Early 2009)
Geekbench 2.1.2
Geekbench 2.1.1
PC Performance (January 2009)
Mac Performance (January 2009)
Geekbench 2.1.0
MacBook Air Performance (December 2008)
Geekbench Browser Redesign
MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Performance
MacBook and MacBook Pro Performance (October 2008)
Geekbench 2.0.19
Geekbench 2.0.18
Mac Performance (June 2008)
iMac Performance (May 2008)
Geekbench 2.0.16
Geekbench 2.0.15
Removing Results
Mac Performance (April 2008)
Geekbench 2.0.14
Result Browser Migration
Geekbench 2.0.13
MacBook Performance (March 2008)
MacBook Pro Performance (February 2008)
Mac Performance (February 2008)
Geekbench 2.0.11
MacBook Air Performance (February 2008)
Mac Pro Memory Performance
Mac Pro Performance Redux (January 2008)
Geekbench 2.0.10
Mac Pro Performance (January 2008)
Geekbench 2 for Solaris
PC Performance (December 2007)
Mac Performance (December 2007)
Geekbench 2.0.9
Quad-Core Performance (December 2007)
MacBook Pro Performance (November 2007)
MacBook Performance (November 2007)
Geekbench 2.0.8
Leopard Performance (October 2007)
Geekbench 2 for Leopard
Geekbench on YouTube
Performance Charts
Geekbench 2.0.6
PC Performance (August 2007)
Mac Performance (August 2007)
Geekbench Browser Improvements
Geekbench 2 for the iPhone
Updated iMac Performance
Mac mini Performance (August 2007)
Xbox 360 Performance (August 2007)
24-inch iMac Performance (August 2007)
Mactracker 4.3
Geekbench 2.0.5 Update
Geekbench 2.0.5
Geekbench 2.0.4
Matched RAM Performance
Leopard Beta Performance (June 2007)
PC Performance (June 2007)
Popular Redux
Mac Performance (June 2007)
MacBook Pro Performance (June 2007)
Geekbench 2 for Linux
Playstation 3 Performance (May 2007)
MacBook Performance (May 2007)
Softpedia Reviews Geekbench 2
Geekbench 2.0.2
Eight-Core Mac Pro Performance
Geekbench Comparison (April 2007)
Rosetta Performance Revisited
Geekbench 2.0.1
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